Luganda Bible ( Uganda)

by Nippt

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Obtener Luganda Biblia para sus dispositivos android.

We are happy to offer Luganda Bible for your android devices. Offered side by side with KJV English version,utilizing the power of android device for Luganda ( Ganda) speaking community (in Uganda).n.nnA simple, yet a powerful design allows users to easily read the Bible, navigate, highlight important verses, bookmark and take notes.nnFEATURESn-Comes with KJV English version (Red letter Edition)n-Highlight important verses with selected color scheme, (Yellow, Green, Tan, Orange and Blue)n-Search function for easy navigationn-Side Notes – Attach your thoughts, comments and meditation or book for future referencen-Autoscrolln-Bookmarkingn-Share your favorite verse through Mail, SMS, Facebookn-Choose from a selection of different font style ( Arial, Helvetica Neue, Verdana, Trebuchet MS)n-Easily increase/decrease font sizen-Retrieve highlighted versesn-Historyn-No Internet connection needednnnIt comes complete with New and Old testaments. Fast and easy to use.nnTake your Bible with you wherever you go.